A New Planet!? ~ 18 Jan 2014

Hopefully you heard it here first.

There is a newly named object in the Kuiper Belt and its estimated diameter of 570 km (plus or minus a wide margin of error) places the object on the cusp of being declared a dwarf planet. A dwarf planet as in yet another object worthy of notation in astrological consultation. This inclusion no doubt annoys those who do not deem Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna and more than a handful of other bodies worthy of interpretation. Maybe though, the implication of this new body is worth noting.

Varda is the new possible dwarf planet. No, not Varda in the Tolkien sense. Varda in an East Indian context. The mythology readily available is scarce as of yet, so I must rely upon more obscure sources. As one source reports it, var is blessing and da is one who bestows. Thus, Varda is a bestower of blessings. Varda correlates with the name of Vishnu’s consort, Lakshmi, a goddess of wealth in Hindu mythology.

Why not include this new goddess given what she represents, especially when starting a new year with Venus retrograde in Capricorn? Maybe new financial aspirations need to be loaded into the goal portfolio. Maybe it’s time to do some blessing counting.

It is interesting to note that upon Googling Varda all the J. R. R. references pop up. A few years ago we had astronomers calling a yet unnamed Kuiper Belt body Snow White during the time when Snow White movies were all the rage. Now as the Hobbit movie and other Tolkien-based productions are doing their thing to fill film studio coffers, it is curious indeed that Varda’s name appears.

Varda is minor solar system body 174567, initially designated as 2003 MW12. It was discovered on June 21, 2003, not far from where I write, at Kitt Peak Observatory. Varda orbits the Sun in 307.91 yrs. This longer than Pluto orbit assures that her implications are intended to be creation-oriented, resurrection-based and ultimately, spiritually uplifting.

Varda comes closest the Sun at 8 Aries 38 while 39.1 astronomical units from the Sun, right about where Pluto is most distant from the Sun. She reaches out to 52.1 astronomical units when at aphelion. Varda’s north node measures at 4 Libra 05. Interestingly, the nodal axis of this maybe planet virtually aligns with the plane of closest and furthest contact points from the Sun. Perhaps this strengthens the import of her message to us all.

Last year we had the naming of the centaur Rhiphonos. Rhiphonos maintains both his node and perihelion in Aries. While strong and protective, that much Aries may be a bit over the top. No worries. Here is Varda to invoke blessings of cooperation, negotiation, arbitration, interpersonal balance and stronger and more enhanced relationship dealings.

No doubt it is a blessing to remain firm in one’s belief while being able to understand the point of view of another, include it, make adjustments, and come out with everyone enjoying net gain. No doubt it is a blessing to value the importance of relationships, whether personal or more collective in scope. Could Varda be playing a hand in the negotiations with Iran regarding nuclear solutions?

Currently Varda is in the middle of Sagittarius at 15 degrees 38 minutes. She’s in the vicinity of the Great Attractor, emphasizing the importance of including all frequencies (points of view) and the need to see around the bend and/or the next horizon. Add to that a transit to several Sag black holes “the practice what you preach” and “be true to your nature instead of dogmas” messages are in play.

Here are some keywords for Varda based upon her node and perihelion:

Positive - Cooperative, receptive, able to negotiate, ability to remain strong in conviction while perceiving another’s point of view, relationship oriented, perception of shared resources in relationship, mi casa es su casa, ability to “get over ones self.”

Negative - Selfish, intractable, uncooperative, unyielding, emotionally self referential, self-serving.

Mundane - Rose color, pink, negotiation, arbitration, counseling, blessings.

Ceremonial - Incantations intended as blessings to self and others, shared energy exercises, couples chakra exercises.